Embarking on Fitness Mini-Campaign

I'm undertaking a fitness mini-campaign today. My goal is to sport climb for 90 minutes, run 3 miles, do 2 core workouts, and make up a legs workout that I completely bombed on Saturday. The plan is start at noon with climbing (SportRock Sterling), conclude that workout with abs, then go get some food and rehydrate. Next, depending on how the legs feel, hope to hit the gym and get lifting in. Then get some protein and rehydrate. Last, do an outdoor run with the wife, then get some Endurox and rehydrate. I'll post updates here as I complete things, as well as note how I feel over the next couple days. :)

Update 1 (2:25pm): 90 minutes of sport climbing completed. Next up: 3 miles running, abs and pushups.

Update 2 (3:30pm): 3 mile run completed (~28 min), 3x20 crunches, 3x10 pushups. Next up: lower body weight workout @ WSC.

Update 3 (5:15pm): Lifting is finished. Almost didn't finish the hack squats, but all's well that ends well. Also did another set of abs, including some cable-weight exercises focusing on obliques. On to dinner!

Update 4 (6:45pm): Mmmmm... meat good! Went to Malibu Grill Steakhouse and gorged myself on meat, with some potatoes and rice thrown in for good measure. All told, I've had a very high protein day! :) We'll see how I feel in another couple days.

Total amount of fitness time today: ~3 hours. A good all-around workout day. A luxury I can only have on holidays like today. Feeling good tonight, but I bet I'm sore the next couple days... :)

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Ben Tomhave published on January 15, 2007 9:48 AM.

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