Finally - Major Web Upgrade Completed!

Well, it's taken me many months, but it's done, once and for all! All those travel pictures from the last 2.5+ years are now processed and put into web form. Woohoo!! At the same time, I have also taken the steps of creating a small constellation of web sites:

This Blog:
My personal space:
My photos:
My future consulting space:

The next major stage of web site revision (once I get my 2nd wind) will be to completely overall my personal and consulting pages to provide more useful information, leverage a more dynamic feel, and so on. The static front page of the photos site should be adequate for now, though I'll probably play with colors and formatting over time.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Ben Tomhave published on January 22, 2007 1:28 PM.

Why I find iPod and iPhone Interesting was the previous entry in this blog.

When Experience Overcomes Compensation is the next entry in this blog.

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