Lessons on Privacy

It's still early, so not going to spend a lot of time going into this. Bruce Schneier has an excellent article posted today on "Security vs Privacy" - looking at how it should not be framed as a "vs" comparison, since the two concepts are compatible. A very interesting, worthwhile read.

Also, from the files of "be careful what you put on the Internet," 4 teenagers in Minnesota have been disciplined for posting pictures of themselves consuming alcohol on their Facebook pages. Oops. This seems to be part of a larger trend, as I've seen probably half a dozen such instances just in the past week. The best rule of thumb is this: don't even take the picture, let alone posting it in a public forum. Duh. I do, however, wonder about the legality and admissibility of these works. Somebody else's problem to solve today.

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This page contains a single entry by Ben Tomhave published on January 29, 2008 8:36 AM.

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