Step 1: Start with a top-notch planning team.
Step 2: Find an outstanding venue.
Step 3: Find enthusiastic and generous sponsors.
Step 4: Develop a strong slate of speakers.
Step 5: Deliver on its awesomeness.
In the case of #BSidesOttawa, this is now "mission accomplished" thanks to the outstanding efforts of Justin Foster, Peter Hillier, and Andrew Hay (plus a few others whose names I'm remiss in forgetting). As a co-conspirator in #BSidesAustin, I greatly appreciate the amount of effort that goes into planning for a conference. The guys in Ottawa definitely knocked this one out of the park! It's looking favorable that this will trigger a handful of BSides events through the country, which I personally think is outstanding.
This post is a wee bit delayed thanks in large part to workload and the American Thanksgiving holiday. That being said, I think it's high time to cover some of my personal highlights from the inaugural #BSidesOttawa event...