Book Review: The Alexandria Project by Andrew Updegrove

I had the recent good fortune of having Andy Updegrove's The Alexandria Project: A Tale of Treachery and Technology suggested to me as a book that I might enjoy. It's a techno-thriller set in modern times, complete with a solid infosec storyline that doesn't even mention APT once. :)

The story starts out set in Washington, DC, where we follow perennial slacker security uber-genius Frank Adversego, currently stumbling through a job at the Library of Congress (LoC), thanks in large part to his former mentor tossing him a lifeline. All of a sudden, things start going very bad, first at the LoC, and then elsewhere, and all fingers point toward Frank. Spin in some not-so-friend inter-department uncooperation between the Bureau and the Company, a little bit of international intrigue, and the threat of nuclear war, and you have a fun techno-thriller.

Overall, the techies in the crowd will enjoy this book, even though it manages not to get down in the weeds. Non-techies will likely still enjoy the pace and story, as well as a couple patient explanations of the more technical topics as delivered to Frank's daughter Marla. In the end, this story has a little bit of everything in it, and it even has a couple friends twists and turns that will keep you a bit off-balance.

The book is only $2.99 for Kindle, so hurry up and check it out! In doing so, you'll be helping promote an up-n-coming author from our own infosec ranks, with the promise of more to come!

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This page contains a single entry by Ben Tomhave published on April 10, 2012 2:17 PM.

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