Rapid Iteration Doesn't Mean "Stop Thinking"

In the world of DevOps we often like to talk about rapid iteration in relationship to shortened feedback cycles, and yet oftentimes something gets lost in translation. Specifically, just because failure is ok, because failure leads to learning, it does not mean that we shouldn't be thinking at all. And, yet... it's all too common!

A perfect example... firing off a response to an email before fully reading and comprehending the email. Or, responding before reading all the way through a thread. In either case, we make snap decisions to respond to some point, and yet we lose the overall context, even when that context explicitly answers questions or concerns being raised in our response.

Another example is iterating too rapidly through updates. Maybe it's coding to meet an ever-changing design. Maybe it's making design changes to a site or PowerPoint presentation. Maybe it's simply providing feedback on something. Stopping, taking a moment, actually engaging the brain, being mindful and present... these are all essential to being successful, as well as key components of DevOps and Lean (and, by extension, Lean Security). In fact, being mindful, respectful, and taking the time to think is an essential part of a generative culture.

There is more to be written (soon!) on generative culture, Lean Security, and other related topics, but for now, I leave you with this: rapid failures as part of rapid iteration due to lack of brain engagement is dumb. Don't fall into that trap. Shortened feedback loops have to do with providing feedback as quickly as possible, but it must be meaningful, mindful, and respectful feedback. If you're not engaging the brain and just responding, then your response exists at a primitive level and - even if it bears out being correct/accurate - overall we really do not want to be living primitively. Rather, we must engage higher thinking and extend ourselves outward in order to start influencing org culture in the way that will benefit ourselves, our teammates, and our employers/clients.

(originally posted to New Context blog)

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This page contains a single entry by Ben Tomhave published on December 1, 2016 2:30 PM.

Change the Incentive Model, Change the Culture was the previous entry in this blog.

NCS Blog: "Minimum Viable" MUST Include Security is the next entry in this blog.

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