FISA Free, Feds Could Be Hacker Enablers

Well, you've undoubtedly heard by now that our brilliant legislators apparently lost their freaking minds last week before then fleeing for Summer break. Yes, indeed, it's true: I left town and the prats passed legislation removing most of the FISA limitations to prevent the NSA from spying on everybody under the sun (well, ok, a "foreigner" must be involved, technically).

Susan Landau at the Washington Post has a great write-up on why this is such a remarkably bad deal. Bruce Schneier tags on
with a few references to the recently uncovered Greek telecomm snooping debacle. Most other security sites have already touched on this, too, so I won't say really anything more than I have already.

If you're righteous indignation (or outright anger) about this, then I highly encourage that you take a stand and do something about it!

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This page contains a single entry by Ben Tomhave published on August 10, 2007 8:25 PM.

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