Taking the Plunge: Google Reader, Facebook

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Yes, I'm feeling crufty these days... I've finally taken the big steps of creating a Facebook account (as yet to be fully setup, of course) and, perhaps more importantly, I've begun setup of Google Reader. Why?

Well, in terms of Facebook, it was brought on by a desire to see travel pics from some of the other folks on our Europe tour (a summary of which is forthcoming with my own pics and vids this weekend, I hope). At least half of the folks on the tour seemed to think of the Facebook as being roughly equivalent to the Internet, it seems. I remember a time when that was AOL... anyway...

As for Google Reader, well, it's quite simple, really. I've now reached the point that it's simply too hard to keep track of everything I'd like to read (news sites, blogs, etc.). So, this will hopefully allow me to more effectively manage the inundation of information. We'll see. :)

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I don't know how you lasted this long. Reading sites via RSS is a huge time savings.

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This page contains a single entry by Ben Tomhave published on August 9, 2007 11:53 AM.

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