As If This Teacher Hasn't Endured Enough...

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This whole story is reaching levels of scary absurdity. It's like she's been declared a witch in Salem in 1692. Local mosques have now riled their parishioners to go into the streets chanting "By soul, by blood, I will fight for the Prophet Mohammed" and "No tolerance: Execution" and "Kill her, kill her by firing squad." HELLO, CRAZY PEOPLE!!!

This is precisely the reason that I look upon organized religion so suspiciously. Whether it be the Crusades, or the intolerance in America for anything diverging from a right-wingnut fundamentalist Christian stance, or denials of Science in favor of faith-based idiocy, or this conviction of a teacher for letting her students name a teddy bear after a student in the class -- it's all madness. None of this promotes improved social values. None of this equates to taking care of one another. It's abuse of power by keeping people ignorant and patently manipulating them to act in a manner to prop up corrupted regimes. Utter bullocks.

Protest story is here on CNN.

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First off, hooray me! :) This is my 200th post since creating this blog in January. Hopefully somebody has found a useful piece of information or two. Now to the point of the hour... as I've noted a few times... Read More

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This page contains a single entry by Ben Tomhave published on November 30, 2007 9:34 AM.

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