As of this week, I'm an official core guide for "Practical Security" on a new collaboration site, Truth to Power (T2P). So, what is T2P? From their "About Us" section:
"Truth to Power is about the control of information. It is based on the premise that information is truth, and knowledge is power—both in business systems and in our heads. It is dedicated to helping IT, business, legal, and audit managers unlock the potential of information, allowing companies to dramatically improve performance and reduce risk."Put more concisely, "Truth to Power is about connection: people to people, people to ideas, ideas to action."
I hope that you'll join me on T2P. And, if you're interested in contributing, please ping me in the comments and I'll introduce you to one of the founders of the organization. Also, while you're checking it out, please take a read through my first post, Treating Security Like Speed Limits, and let me know how you liked it.