The State of American Government and Politics

If you've read this blog before, you know I'm a wee bit vexed by the current state of corruption and lunacy in the US Government. Here I offer a few more examples of just how scary-crazy things are getting.

Illegal warrantless wiretapping. Our brilliant Congress has gone ahead and provided indemnification for the cooperating telcos. So, how bad is it? Well, it turns out that it's about as bad as we feared, with Americans' Constitutional rights being violated regularly.
ABC News Exclusive: Inside Account of U.S. Eavesdropping on Americans

Perhaps more disturbing is the presence of an Army brigade on US soil under the relatively new "Northern Command" - a command that provided intelligence and military support for the oppression of demonstrators in St. Paul during the RNC, and now who may support any number of illegal military operations at home. Ugh.
Is Posse Comitatus Dead? US Troops on US Streets

It seems that even the US Army (or at least this retired Col.) agrees that things are getting ridiculously bad in this country.
The End of America?

And now for a couple articles highlighting why the McCain/Palin ticket cannot be allowed into power. They criticize Obama for his loose connection to people like Bill Ayers, yet look at the insanity that Palin brings to the party. Yikes!
The Witch Fighter Anoints Palin

The Palins’ un-American activities

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Ben Tomhave published on October 9, 2008 8:59 PM.

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